
“I am the eclipse of the Sun hiding …

” I am the eclipse of the Sun, hiding behind the Moon.

Giving a time of darkness,

a time of total stopping of all the elements,

before shinning my light back to all who listen with an open heart.

This silence, this darkness is necessary in order to advance in lessons.

One cannot always be in the light to perceive the lessons.

One has to embark in Soul pain, either mental, physical or emotional.

Feeling lost, so that you remember to ask for love, for light, for help.

Duality is the ranging force to all creation.

Death is inevitable in order to rebirth.

 The seed from the flower needs to lay dormant

in order to re-align its structure

and build enough life force, in order to connect to the universe and to the life force of the Sun.

This is the cycle of life.

The Sun is your life force connection to your beating heart.

A frozen body is in stillness, but, is not capable to connect to the life force.

The Sun is the connection to all life forms in this universe.

How can you understand the real laws of this universe if you are often unavailable to perception?

You have been so busy creating technology

that cannot serve you

if you don’t access kindness, love, and gratitude.

More technologies will only fuel your ego.

UNLESS you connect to the heart

and to each other as brothers and sisters,

as parents to all living elements,

even Mother Earth Gaia.

Taking care of her like your most precious child, your newborn.

The needs of each living creature do not require your help to survive.


yes, they require your conscious care for their living ecosystems,

 their forests, their oceans, and their waters.

We cannot emphasize enough how much all humans need to start caring for Mother Earth at this moment in time.”

Channeling SUNYMOON crystal

August 15, 2021